Keynote Speakers

Dr. Saifur Rahman​ Joseph Loring Professor, Department of ECE, Virginia Tech

Title: Role of the Smart Grid in Facilitating the Integration of Renewables Abstract: With the focus on environmental sustainability and energy security, power system planners are looking at renewable energy as supplements and alternatives. But such generation sources have their own challenges - primarily intermittency. It is expected that the smart grid – due to its inherent communication, sensing and control capabilities – will have the ability to manage the load, storage and generation assets (including renewables) in the power grid to enable a large-scale integration of distributed generation. In a smart grid, information about the state of the grid and its components can be exchanged quickly over long distances and complex networks. It will therefore be possible to have the integration of sustainable energy sources, such as wind, solar, off-shore electricity, etc. for smoother system operation. But in order for this to be possible, the electric utility will have to evolve, and change their ways of operation to become an intelligent provider of these services. This lecture introduces the operational characteristics of renewable energy sources, and various aspects of the smart grid - technology, standards and regulations. It also addresses the interplay among distributed generation, storage and conventional generation to provide an efficient operational strategy in the context of the smart grid. Biography: Professor Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Institute at Virginia Tech, USA where he is the Joseph R. Loring professor of electrical and computer engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) for 2018 and 2019. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Electrification Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. He has published over 150 journal papers and has made over five hundred conference and invited presentations. In 2006 he served on the IEEE Board of Directors as the vice president for publications. He is a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Power & Energy Society and has lectured on renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grid, energy internet, blockchain, IoT sensor integration, etc. in over 30 countries. He is the founder of BEM Controls, LLC, a Virginia (USA)-based software company providing building energy management solutions. He served as the chair of the US National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering. He has conducted several energy efficiency, blockchain and sensor integration projects for Duke Energy, Tokyo Electric Power Company, the US National Science Foundation, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Energy and the State of Virginia. He has a PhD in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech.

Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Associate Professor, CROCCS, Bangkok University

Title: Multi-Carrier Modulation Techniques for Visible Light Communications Abstract: This talk first discusses expected roles of visible light communications in future communication networks. Then, the underlying multi-carrier modulation techniques are discussed, with a focus on techniques that are unique to visible light communications. Extensions to multi-input multi-output transmissions and multi-user transmissions are then discussed. Finally, the talk covers recent investigations carried out in BU-CROCCS. Biography: Poompat Saengudomlert obtained the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA in 2002. From January 2005 to April 2013, he served as an Assistant and then Associate Professor in Telecommunications at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Since May 2013, he has been serving as an Associate Professor in Telecommunication Engineering at BU-CROCCS (Bangkok University-Center of Research in Optoelectronics, Communications, and Computation Systems), Thailand. His research interest includes multi-carrier communication systems and network optimization. In addition to basic research, he led several development projects whose aims are to create low-cost laboratory activities for the teaching of telecommunications in developing countries.

Dr. Celia Shahnaz Professor, Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Title: 2-D Biosignal Processing for Automation in Disease detection based on Deep Neural Networks. Abstract: To treat the diseases or injuries of the joints, bones, muscles, and spine in both adult and pediatric imaging the 2-D musculoskeletal radiographs bring a significant depth of expertise. Various machine learning processes have played a significant role in medical image classification and abnormality detection from musculoskeletal radiographs . There are other 2-D images that are utilized for Tuberculosis, COVID 19 detection. Many Networks, such as Densenet, Resnet, Inception v3, and Capsnet architecture will be explained here for musculoskeletal radiographs abnormality detection and other life threatening diseases detection . Such computer-based automatic detection of abnormality and diseases is time-saving, and more accurate thus creates a huge impact on the community and humanity. Biography: Celia Shahnaz, SMIEEE, Fellow IEB, received Ph.D. degree from Concordia University, Canada and is currently a Professor at, Department of EEE, BUET, Bangladesh since 2015.
She has published more than 150 international journal/conference papers. She is a recipient of the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship/Fellowship and Bangladesh Academy of Science Gold Medal for her contribution in Science and Technology. Her research interests include the areas of signal processing for speech analysis and speech enhancement, audio-visual recognition for biometric security, control system, robotics, pattern recognition, machine learning and deep learning for audio, video, biomedical, power signals, multimodal emotion recognition, and humanitarian technology.
Recently, her papers have received best paper awards in IEEE BECITHCON 2019, biomedical Engineering tracks at TENCON 2017 and at IEEE WIECON-ECE 2016, in Humanitarian Challenge track at R10 HTC 2017, and the best interactive poster award at ICIVPR 2017. Her paper has been selected for the top ten best paper awards in the Student Paper Contest of the 2018 and 2014 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), College Station, Texas, USA and Knoxville, TN, USA, respectively. She was the winner, the Best Student Paper Award, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing (ICNNSP), Zhenjiang, China. She was selected as one of the finalists of the Student Research Presentation Competition in the 2009 SYTACOM Workshop, Montreal, QC, Canada.
She was the mentor of 1st/2nd prize winning projects in IEEE IAS CMD Contests (Robotics, Humanitarian) in 2017-2019, USA. She was the supervisor of 4th/5th rank winning teams in SPCUP competitions, ICASSP 2020 (Spain)/2015 (Australia) and 5th rank winning team in VIP CUP competition, ICIP 2020 (United Arab Emirates) .
She is the recipient of the 2021 Inspiring Women in Academia Award from Bangladesh brand forum, 2019 R10 Humanitarian Activities Outstanding Volunteer Award, 2016 MGA Leadership Award 2015 WIE Inspiring Member Award, 2013 R10 WIE Professional Volunteer Award.
She has been appointed as 2021-23 Chair, IEEE SPS Women in Signal Processing, 2021-23 Liaison between IEEE SPS and IEEE WIE. She has been appointed as 2021-22 Member, IEEE History Committee, Liaison between IEEE History Committee and IEEE WIE, 2021 Chair, IEEE WIE History Subcommittee and 2021 Member, IEEE Educational Activities Board Faculty Resource Committee. She is 2020-21 Member, IEEE WIE Senior Member Elevation Drive, 2019-2021 Member, IEEE WIE WePower Subcommittee, 2020-21 Member, IEEE smart Village South Asian Working Group, 2017-2021 IEEE PES Women in Power (WiP) IEEE Region 10 Regional representative. She was a candidate for the 2021-22 IEEE Region 10 Director-Elect election, 2020 Member, IEEE New Initiative Committee, 2020 Chair, Women in SIGHT Working Group, , 2017, 2019 Communications Chair, IEEE SIGHT steering Committee, 2017-18 Chair, IEEE WIE Workshops Subcommittee, 2017-18 Member, IEEE Region 10 Subcommittees (WIE, Humanitarian Technology Activity, Education), and 2016 IEEE Region 10 WIE Coordinator. She has served as the Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section, 2018-6/2021.
She is the founder & Chair, IEEE SPS, IAS Bangladesh Chapters, Co-founder & Vice-Chair, IEEE RAS, SSIT Bangladesh Chapters, Founder and Advisor, WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section. She has served as the General Chair, IEEE TENSYMP 2020, IEEE SPICSCON 2019, IEEE PEEIACON 2019, General Chair: IEEE WIECON-ECE 2019, 2018, 2016, General Co- Chair, IEEE Region 10 HTC 2017 and IEEE WIECON-ECE 2017, Founder and TPC Chair: IEEE WIECON-ECE 2015, IEEE BECITHCON 2019, IEEE RAAIACON 201.
She has served as an Editorial board member, IET Signal Processing From 2018 to date and 2018- 20 Member, Technical Committee, Image, Video, and Multimedia (IVM), Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA).
She has more than 20 years of experience (20 years as an IEEE volunteer) in leading impactful Technical, Professional, Educational, Industrial, Women Empowerment and Humanitarian Technology, Power and Energy-related Projects at national/international levels.

Dr. Bikash Pal​ Professor, Department of EEE, Imperial College London

Title: Robust Volt-Var Control in Power Distribution Abstract: Electrical generation, transmission and distribution systems all over the world have entered a period of significant renewal and technological change. There have been phenomenal changes/deployments in technology of generation driven by the worldwide emphasis on energy from wind and solar as a sustainable solution to our energy need. Increasingly energy demand from heating and transportation are being met by electricity. These changes have significantly influenced the planning, design, operation and control of the power distribution system. Accommodating uncertainties in renewable generation and demand forecast in a cost-effective manner is now a very complex optimization problem. This talk will share our recent research efforts Volt/VAr control (VVC) strategy in distribution systems to address the uncertainties. Efficient chance constrained conic optimisation technique accelerated through scenario reduction approach will be discussed to demonstrate the significant reduction of voltage violations when compared with the deterministic cases while not relaxing the conservativeness of the final solutions. It will also touch upon treatment of certain types of load characteristic in the proposed solution framework. Future research challenges and opportunities will be highlighted. Biography: Bikash Pal is a Professor of Power Systems at Imperial College London (ICL). He is research active in power system stability, control, and estimation. Currently is leading a six university UK-China research consortium on Resilient Operation of Sustainable Energy Systems (ROSES) as part of EPSRC-NSFC Programme on Sustainable Energy Supply. He led UK-China research consortium project on Power network stability with grid scale storage (2014-2017): He also led an eight- university UK-India research consortium project (2013-2017) on smart grid stability and control. His research is conducted in strategic partnership with ABB, GE Grid Solutions, UK, and National Grid, UK. UK Power Networks. GE commissioned sequel of projects with him to analyse and solve wind farm HVDC grid interaction problems (2013-2019). Prof Pal was the chief technical consultant for a panel of experts appointed by the UNFCCC CDM (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Clean Development Mechanism). He has offered trainings in Chile, Qatar, UAE, Malaysia and India in power system protections, stability and control topics. He has developed and validated a prize winning 68-bus power system model, which now forms a part of IEEE Benchmark Systems as a standard for researchers to validate their innovations in stability analysis and control design. He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2012-2017) and Editor-in-Chief of IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution (2005-2012). He is Vice President, PES Publications (2019-). In 2016, his research team won the President’s outstanding research team award at Imperial College London (ICL). He is Fellow of IEEE for his contribution to power system stability and control. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in Power distribution system estimation and control. He was). He has published about 100 papers in IEEE Transactions and IET journals and authored four books in power system modelling, dynamics, estimations and control. Two of his papers in power system stability and control topics have received annual best journal paper award. He was Otto Monstead Professor at Denmark Technical University (DTU) (2019) and Mercator Professor sponsored by German Research Foundation (DFG) at University of Duisburg-Essen in 2011. He worked as faculty at IIT Kanpur, India. He holds a Visiting Professorship at Tsinghua University, China.

Dr. Khondkar Karim, CPA​ Accounting Department Chair, Professor, Accounting, UMass Lowell

Title: Theory and Practice: A Focus on Data Analytics Abstract: Data analytics is a broad term that encompasses many diverse types of data analysis. Any type of information can be subjected to data analytics techniques to get insight that can be used to improve things. Data analytics techniques can reveal trends and metrics that would otherwise be lost in the mass of information. With so much data available about each of us (i.e., how we shop, what we read, what we’ve bought, what music we listen to, where we travel, who we trust, etc.), arguably, there is the potential for analyzing that data in a way that can answer fundamental business and accounting questions and create value. According to the results of 18th Annual Global CEO Survey conducted by PwC, many CEOs put a high value on Data Analytics, and 80% of them place data mining and analysis as the second-most important strategic technology for CEOs. In fact, per PwC’s 6th Annual Digital IQ survey of more than 1,400 leaders from digital businesses, the area of investment that tops CEOs’ list of priorities is business analytics. The keynote will discuss the theory and practice of data of analytics with a special focus on hands on example. Biography: Dr. Khondkar Karim is a Professor of Accounting and Chair at Manning School of Business, UMass Lowell. He earned his B. Com (Hons) from University of Dhaka, his M. Com from University of Dhaka, his MSA from Eastern Michigan University, and his DBA from Mississippi State University. He is also a Certified Public Accountant. Dr. Karim has co-edited a monograph on Environmental Disclosure Practices and Financial Performance and two special issues of Managerial Finance on Performance Measurement and Evaluation. He served on the editorial board of Issues in Accounting Education. Currently, he serves at the Editor of Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research. He served as the President of Northeast American Accounting Association. Very recently he has been elected as Council Representative for the Northeast Region on the American Accounting Association. Dr. Karim is interested in doing research in Financial Accounting, market based accounting, behavioral accounting, judgment decision making, accounting education, content analysis, SOX compliance, impact of regulatory changes on accounting numbers, audit pricing, audit quality, management accounting, and cost management. His research has been published in Accounting Organizations and Society (AOS), Behavioral Research in Accounting (BRIA), Journal of Corporate Finance, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Managerial Auditing Journal, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Applied Financial Economics, Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, International Journal of Finance, Advances in Accounting, Advances in International Accounting, Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Research in Finance, International Journal of Auditing, The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, Journal of Accountancy, and CPA Journal.

Biplab Sikdar
Dr. Biplab Sikdar​ Associate Professor, ECE Vice-Dean (Graduate Programmes), NUS

Title: Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a great opportunity to connect people, information, and things, which will in turn cause a paradigm shift in the way we work, interact, and think. The IoT is envisioned as the enabling technology for smart cities, power grids, health care, and control systems for critical installments and public infrastructure. This diversity, increased control and interaction of devices, and the fact that IoT systems use public networks to transfer large amounts of data make them a prime target for cyber attacks. In addition, IoT devices are usually small, low cost and have limited resources. Therefore, any protocol designed for IoT systems should not only be secure but also efficient in terms of usage of chip area, energy, storage, and processing. This presentation will start by highlighting the unique security requirements of IoT devices and the inadequacy of existing security protocols and techniques of the Internet in the context to IoT systems. Next, we will focus on security solutions for the IoT, with special focus on protection against physical and side channel attacks. In particular, we will focus on mutual authentication protocols for IoT devices based on security primitives that exploit hardware level characteristics of IoT devices.  Biography: Biplab Sikdar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore, where he also serves as a Vice Dean in the Faculty of Engineering. He received the B. Tech. degree in electronics and communication engineering from North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India, in 1996, the M.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA, in 2001. He was an Assistant Professor from 2001-2007 and Associate Professor from 2007-2013 in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from 2001 to 2013. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, the Tan Chin Tuan fellowship from NTU Singapore, the Japan Society for Promotion of Science fellowship, and the Leiv Eiriksson fellowship from the Research Council of Norway. His research interests include IoT and cyber-physical system security, network security, and network performance evaluation. Dr. Sikdar is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications from 2007 to 2012 and as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing from 2014-2017.

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Dr. Engr. Ayub Nabi Khan Pro Vice Chancellor, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT)

Title: Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Textile Value Chain Abstract: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a significant part to play as developing countries regulate to the new era. These opportunities will derive from the ability of ICTs to open up parts of the textile value chain to the developing countries. The paper focuses on companies that have successfully used ICTs to transform. The global textile and garment sector has been in a state of flux since 1 January 2005, when almost four decades of restrictions on trade formally came to an end with the demise of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) quota system. Many developing countries now face increasing competition and downward pressure on prices as the global garment industry consolidates around a relatively small number of winners ICT, as a all-purpose technology, can improve textile business practices and increase the efficiency and affordability of developing country industries. Moreover, ICT is the main driver that shifts value along the value chain, enabling textile and apparel business models disaggregating production chains, and creating new opportunities for developing countries in the global textile value chain. Biography: Prof. Dr. Engr. Ayub Nabi Khan is the 1st Pro Vice Chancellor and now Acting Vice Chancellor of BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT), Bangladesh. He obtained his bachelor degree in Textile Technology from the University of Dhaka. He was awarded M.Sc and Ph.D degree in Textile Technology from the University of Manchester, U.K. under Commonwealth Scholarship plan. He has 33 years long service experience in teaching, research and industry. He rendered his service for 26 years in teaching & research in different universities of home and abroad including UMIST, Manchester, UK. He was 1stPrincipal of Bangladesh’s first Public Private Partnership educational institute named National Institute of Textile Engineering & Research (NITER) an affiliated Institute of University of Dhaka where he played a key role in making it a full-fledged education institute which was nearly at a state of closing down. .He is external examiner for evaluation of Under graduate and Post Graduate research projects of universities of home and abroad. Prof. Khan also supervises Undergraduate & Post Graduate Research projects. He teaches Textile raw materials, Yarn Spinning, Basic Textile Sciences, Technical Textiles. 28 papers were published in recognized National & International journals of repute. He authored 1 (one) text book on Yarn Spinning for undergraduate level.
He worked as a National Expert & Expert member of different projects under EU/UNIDO, D-8, ADB, World Bank. He is involved in the international activities like Netherlands supported CSR project, European Union supported RMG Life Cycle Analysis Project, German Government Collaborative project titled Higher Education for Sustainable Textile.
Prof. Khan is life member of different professional & educational bodies like University of Dhaka; UMIST Alumni, U.K.; Institute of Textile Engineers & Technologists, Bangladesh. He is a fellow of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).
He was awarded ‘Fellowship’ of The Textile Institute (TI), UK in 2010. He was the 1st Bangladeshi received TI Holden Medal award for Education-2018. He was also awarded Excellence Teaching in Higher Education from DKIRF, India. Prof. Dr. Engr. Ayub Nabi Khan is the Chairman, The Textile Institute, Manchester, U.K. Bangladesh Section.