List of Accepted Papers

International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT) 2021
List of Accepted Papers
SL Paper ID Paper Title
1 1 Performance Analysis of A Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide for Radar and Satellite Communication
2 9 BOFSC:A Blockchain Based Decentralized Framework to Ensure the Transparency of Organic Food Supply Chain
3 15 Design of Lightning Protection Scheme of a Grid Substation Using Rolling Sphere Method
4 17 Operations of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras on Manifolds
5 18 Impact of social media on garments retail business of Bangladesh
6 23 First-Principles Study of Borocarbonitride (BCN) Quantum Dot as an Anode Material for Calcium Ion Battery
7 24 A Study to Investigate High Efficiency CZTS based solar cells with SCAPS-1D
8 26 A Hypothetical Design Of Small Hydro Power Plant Using Sewage Water In The Perspective Of Dhaka City
9 35 Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Algorithms Based on Surface Image Classification
10 37 Selectively Coated Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Plasmonic Polarization Filter
11 38 Optimal Reactive Power or VAR Flow from Distributed Smart PV Inverters
12 39 Automatic formulation and optimization of linear problems from a structured paragraph
13 40 An advanced recommendation system by combining Popularity-based and User-based collaborative filtering using Machine Learning.
14 42 A CNN-based CADx Model for Pneumonia Detection from Chest Radiographs with web application
15 53 Genetic effects of diabetes on the progression of cancers with gene enrichment analysis
16 60 PRAnet: A Fast Residual Neural Net based Model with Attention Block for Classification of Lung and Colon Cancer from Histopathology Image.
17 63 Fake News Detection Based on Deep Learning
18 68 Modelling and performance analysis of Grounding System of a Grid Substation
19 69 A Survey on Bengali Image Captioning: Architectures, Challenges, and Directions
20 70 A Machine Learning Approach for Screening Individual’s Job Profile Using Convolutional Neural Network
21 79 An Efficient Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Pneumonia Using the Convolutional Neural Network
22 80 Identifying and Analyzing Disaster-Related Tweet, Through Hashtag Monitoring Using Data Mining and NLP Techniques
23 84 Analytical Evaluation of BER Performance of an UWB Communication System Using Dual Carrier Modulation and Space Diversity
24 85 Cyanide Detection with Photonic Crystal Fiber in the Terahertz Region: Design and Numerical Investigation
25 86 An Area-efficient 2-to-4 Decoder Design Based on Quantum Dot Cellular Automata
26 88 Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation using dispersion-varying silicon-rich silicon nitride waveguide
27 90 Zilla-64: A Bangla Handwritten Word Dataset Of 64 Districts` Name of Bangladesh and Recognition Using Holistic Approach
28 91 Recurrent Neural Network Encoding Decoding Translator based Prediction Protein Function and Functional Annotation
29 92 Designing a Sustainable Grid Connected PV-plant for Rohinya Refugee Camp
30 94 Partial deployment of rooftop solar and an energy efficiency approach to reduce grid-supply dependency; Case study of a governmental entity
32 96 End-to-End Bangla Speech Synthesis
33 100 Stock Market Prediction:-A Survey and Evaluation
34 102 Abstractive Headline Generation from Bangla News Articles Using Seq2Seq RNNs with Global Attention
35 103 DBST: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Distributed Information System Supporting Multi-Attribute Range Query
36 106 Corrosion Behaviour of High and Low Strength Steel Bars in Pore Solutions
37 117 A Comparative Study to Predict Diabetes using Machine Learning Techniques
38 121 Human Mental Condition Detection by EEG Signal and Time-Frequency Domain Analysis for Behavior
39 129 Fruits Detection and Distance Estimation using RGB-D camera for Harvesting Robot
40 130 Political and Local Conflict Events Analysis and Prediction : A Bangladesh Perspective
41 134 Anomaly Detection In Biomedical Data and Image Using Various Shallow and Deep Learning Algorithms
42 137 Clustering Algorithms to Analyze the Road Traffic Crashes
43 152 Design of a Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging System to Flatten the Duck Curve
44 160 A Receiver-initiated QoS-Aware Multi-hop MAC Protocol for Wake-Up Radio Enabled WSNs in IoT
45 167 Proposal of Pattern-Reconfigurable Self-Oscillating Active Array Antenna Integrating Slot-Line Gunn Oscillator and Hybrid Coupler
46 168 A Substitute Solution of Backup Generators for a Microgrid
47 169 Muti-area Power System Load Frequency Control by Introducing Renewable Energy Sources
48 172 Improved Design of a Battery Charger for Three-Wheeler Auto Rickshaws in Bangladesh with Low Harmonic SWISS Rectifier
49 173 Optimal Sizing and Operation of Microgrid in a Small Island Considering Advanced Direct Load Control and Low Carbon Emission
50 180 Development of an ECG Garment using Android mobile
51 182 Feasibility and Techno-Economic Analysis of an Off-grid Hybrid Energy System: A Char Area in Bangladesh
52 184 Analyzing the transformation of a city in the presence of urban growth and shrinkage factors: A case study of Khulna, Bangladesh
53 186 Optimization of Biogas in General Regional Energy Planning of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia: Solution for Household Energy Demand
54 192 Analysis of the Applicability of DSM Techniques in Industrial Load Management : Bangladesh Perspective
55 193 A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment Classification Based on Deep and Traditional Ensemble Machine Learning Models
56 202 Genetic Algorithm with Boosting based on Expected Value for Uncertain Routing
57 204 Assesment of Grid Limiting Factor to Enhance Net-Energy Metering Schemes for Industrial PV System in Bangladesh
58 207 LandChain: A Blockchain Based Secured LandRegistration System
59 209 GSM Based Monitoring Scheme for Smart Garbage Management System
60 218 Transfer Learning Approach and Analysis for Skin Cancer Detection
61 222 BRevML: Classifying Bangla Reviews for E-commerce using Machine Learning
62 223 Pseudocode to Sourcecode conversion using Sequence-to-sequence learning
63 229 Maximum Power Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm from Wind Energy System
64 231 Improving Quality of Service in Computer Network Applying the Eight Classes of Service
65 233 mobEVID: A Smartphone-based RT-PCR Testing Record Capturing Application for COVID-19 Cases
66 234 Obtaining Superior Efficiency with High Voltage Gain: Design and Performance Analysis of the DC-DC Boost Converter
67 235 Coverage Maximization by Optimal Positioning and Transmission Planning for UAV-Assisted Wireless Communications
68 238 Study on Automatic and Straight Knife Cutting Machine
69 240 Controlling Body Sources of Noise Generated byNiddle Electrogram Machines: A New EMG Ideafor Skipping Traditional Approaches
70 241 Predictive Analysis for Thyroid Diseases Diagnosis using Machine Learning
71 242 Design, Simulation and Feasibility Analysis of Bifacial Solar PV System in Marine Drive Road, Cox’s Bazar
72 243 Smart Dual Axis Solar Power Plant Distribution System Modeling
73 244 Facial Expression Recognition Using CNN-LSTM Approach
74 246 ANN Based Fault Detection & Classification in Power System Transmission line
75 249 Sustainable design of machine components: a critical review of carbide/steel laminate composite
77 252 An Ensemble Method Based Machine Learning Approach Using Text Mining to Identify Semantic Fake News
78 257 Design and Development of a Low-cost Smart Stick for Visually Impaired People
79 258 Manifesting the Policy Level Adaptation of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies in Developing Countries: The Context of Bangladesh
80 261 A Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna with Slotted Ground Plane for 5G Application
81 262 Finite Element Prediction of Deformation of Closed-cell Cellular Materials for Sustainable Materials Characterisation
82 264 Solution of Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch using Slime Mould Optimization Algorithm
83 268 Modeling and Analysis of an Electromagnetic Wave Energy Harvesting Device
84 271 Design of a Polarization Diversity MIMO Antenna With Improved Mutual Coupling
85 273 An Analytical Model for Prediction of Upcoming ICC T20 World Cup 2021 Using Classification Algorithms
86 276 Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease at low cost using machine learning
87 277 Tentative Prospects and Overview of General Awareness Towards Sustainable Energy in Bangladesh
88 278 Depression Detection system with Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Approaches
89 279 Relative Comparison of K-means Clustering Segmented Rice Leaves Image Based Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Nutrient Deficiency Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network
90 280 Reducing Power Consumption and Total Cost in C-RAN Based on Dynamic BBU Allocation
91 281 Small Signal Stability and Transient Stability improvement of Bangladesh Power System using TCSC,SVC and TCSC,STATCOM based series shunt compensator
92 282 Profile Based Course Recommendation System Using Association Rule Mining and Collaborative Filtering
93 287 Challenges of DDoS Attack Mitigation in IoT Devices by Software Defined Networking (SDN)
94 288 Energy Consumption Analysis of a Hybrid Optimized Model for Sustainable Green Data Center
95 289 Automatic Transfer Switch Using Programmable Logic Controller
96 290 Donation: A Social Engineering Model for Extreme Poverty Eradication
97 291 Design and Implement of Smart Wearable Hairband as Safety Solution for Women
98 293 A Low Profile Microstrip Patch Antenna with DGS for 5G Application
99 294 Extremely Ultra Flattened Negative Dispersion Square Pattern Air Hole PCF for Employing of the Residual Dispersion Compensation
100 295 Performance Analysis Between Graphene and MoS2 Based MSM Photodiode
101 296 Brain Tumor Detection Using Various Deep Learning Algorithms
102 297 A novel approach to IoT based health status monitoring of COVID-19 patient.
103 298 Ensuring Optimum Power Output in a Grid Tied Solar PV System through selection of Proper Panel Size
104 302 Design of a Dual-band Terahertz Planar Double-Negative Metamaterial with Near Zero Refractive Index Property
105 303 Towards Digitizing the Graveyard Management System of Bangladesh
106 304 A 2-D Analytical Modeling and Simulation of Double Gate Heterojunction Tunnel-FETs Based on AlGaSb/InAs
107 305 Reactive Power Compensation and Efficient Power Evacuation for a 35 MW AC Grid Tied Solar PV Plant
108 306 A Secured Patient Online Data Monitoring through Blockchain: An Intelligent way to Store Lifetime Medical Records
109 308 COVID-19 Future Forecasting Tool: Infected Patients Recovery and Hospitalization Trends Using Deep Learning Models
110 309 Design and Implementation of Control System Lifeguard
111 310 Design of an Optimum Solar PV Generation System for Integrated loads using PVSYST software
112 311 A Framework for LED Signboard Recognition for the Autonomous Vehicle Management System
113 312 Designing and Feasibility Study of Net Metering System upon Installing Rooftop Solar PV: A Case Study at MIST, Bangladesh
114 314 Ensemble machine learning algorithms for diagnosis of cervical cancer
115 319 Designing of an Underwater Power Transmission System and Hybrid Power Supply for an Isolated Island of Bangladesh: Swarna Dwip
116 320 Performance comparison between chitosan and microorganism as medium of sustainable effluent treatment
117 321 A Comprehensive Exploration on Impact of Preprocessing for Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Using Multiple Machine Learning Approaches
118 326 Comparative Analysis Between Gaussian Filter & Its Modified Version for High-Resolution Image Compression
119 329 Cuffless Blood Pressure Determination Using Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Signal Based on Regression Analysis
120 335 Design and Implementation of an Automatic Single Axis Solar Tracking System to Enhance the Performance of a Solar Photovoltaic Panel.
121 344 A Miniatured Dual Band DGS Implantable Antenna for Biotelemetry
122 349 Covid-19 and its impact on school closures: a predictive analysis using machine learning algorithms
123 350 An Ensemble of CNN-LSTMs for Temperatures Forecasting from Bangladesh Weather Dataset
124 353 Fractional Dynamical Analysis of One Dimensional Electrical Transmission Line
125 355 Energy and Latency-Aware Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation for a Multi-Access Edge Computing-Enabled Heterogeneous Network
126 357 Predicting the Correctness of Mental Arithmetic Task From EEG Using Deep Learning
127 359 Properties Changes Due to Loop Length Variation in Single Jersey Plain Knitting Machine
128 360 Multiple Outputs Converter Design for BMS Integrated Li-Ion Battery Charger Appropriate for Electric Vehicle
129 363 Performance Analysis of Hybrid AC-DC SEPIC Converter